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Direct Cremation Pricing and Plans
The price of a direct cremation is $1,395 and comes with a basic plastic urn that is suitable to keep at home or bury at a cemetery of your choice. We have a variety of urns for purchase if you so choose.
Cremation Package Pricing -
Basic Services of Funeral Director and Staff
Transportation from the Place of Death (Kings, Tulare, and Fresno Counties)
Obtaining Permits and Arranging for the Required Authorization Forms
Basic Urn for Cremated Remains
Notifying Social Security Administration
Cremation Container
Cremation Performed by Licensed Crematorium
Care and Respect for Your Loved One

No hidden fees
If you feel that you need to spend a little time with your loved one before the cremation, below are three viewing options that you can choose from.

plan 3
Unlike the other two viewing options, plan 3 is only for those who want to see their loved one before the cremation is to take place. There is no embalming, therefore viewing will be limited to up to 1/2 an hour, and for only a few select family members of your choosing.
Preparation of remains for viewing
Use of our Corcoran Chapel for viewing
Price includes Simple Cremation Plan
plan 2
Up to 3 hours of visitation in our Corcoran facility by using a basic cardboard container suitable for viewing.
Dressing and casketing of remains
Basic cardboard cremation container
Visitation in our chapel
Price includes Simple Cremation Plan


with a rental casket
Up to 3 hours of visitation at our Corcoran facility by using a rental casket.
Dressing and casketing of remains
Oak rental casket
Rental Insert
Visitation in our chapel
Price includes Simple Cremation Plan
For a complete list of urns and prices, click the store link below
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